Tuesday, April 26, 2016

I'm Back, Baby!

Wow. It's been literally four years since I last wrote in this Blog. Four huge, long years. So, hello everyone. I'm Elliot, the adult, 21 year-old version of the angst-fueled teen that used to own this Blog. I've come a long way since then, and this particular post will be about filling you in on what happened in those years (Or, rather, the milestones of it.) First off, The Dragon Mercenaries, that one story I started writing on it's own Blog, was finished on December 20 of 2014, two years ago. That same day, I wrote the last chapter of Outbreak: Survivors, making it two novels finished. But, before that, thanks to a lot of hard work and dedication, as well as the support of two very awesome people I, sadly, aren't friends with anymore, I finished Blade of Asyris on August 24 of that same year, marking the first time I've ever finished a novel. You can read them in Wattpad, and I'll leave a link at the bottom of this post, just in case anyone wants to go read them.

Apart from writing three full-novels (Which have yet to be published), I started my own YouTube channel on August 24 of 2015 after much trouble. It's still going strong, and I couldn't be happier of making let's play videos for it. I'll also leave a link for it down below for it. I really don't know what else to say, since it's been so long since the last time I blogged. But, I'm back! And I'll do my best to keep the blog active. I'll try posting as often as possible, but I won't make any promises. I'm not exactly the most constant person in the world. Thank you for reading, and I'll see you around!

Monday, November 19, 2012


Ah, so, here's the thing, people always say the following: "Life sucks", "The government is screwing my life" or "My parents are gonna kill me!" but! Here's the thing! What do we do to change that? Life sucks, yes, to everyone, and I can't really talk about anyone's situation except mine, so here's my point:

When I hear people saying my life sucks, I usually see they blame everyone but them, be it God or Obama, they will never blame themselves for it. Every time I think my life sucks, I consider what can I do to change it because, in the end, if we don't like a video game, we trade it in for another, so why can't we change the things in our lives that are simply not good? If a smoker is really ill, won't he stop smoking (Maybe he won't, but he should.) Point is, in our lives, our country and our hearts, it's our job to change it. The more we wait for someone else to change everything, the more things stay the same or get worst. So, before blaming anyone, we must see if we're the ones who are doing wrong to our own lives.

My Regards and Apologies for taking so long,

Ell J. Converse

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A Short Message About Future Plans

So, lately I've been figuring out a lot of stuff in my life and, as a result, I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to be participating in the NaNoWriMo (National November Writing Month.) It's a Challenge for writers in which they have to write 50,000 words in one month (That's an average of 1,700 words a day.) It sounds extreme, but it's actually pretty neat! My best friends, Eli and Red, have participated previously and have given me the determination to achieve it. So, yes! I've been practicing my writing speed and grammar (Which is a must.) And, the story I decided to use for the NaNoWriMo is one I've had for a very long time but never actually wrote (I did, as a matter of fact, write a few chapters of a story that came a few years after the settings of the one I'm doing for the NaNoWriMo.)

My Regards to all those who will participate in the NaNoWriMo and to everyone else,

Ell J. Converse

Sunday, October 14, 2012

My Experience With Bullying Pt. 2

Okay, so, here it goes! I've come to realize that most of the time, girls are bullied by guys more than actual guys get bullied. Why? I think it's because most girls who get bullied either made one little mistake that got known by everyone or they are simply too nice and adorable and mild that everyone takes advantage of them. But, even though girls ARE bullied just as much as guys, I can only speak for my own experience, and this time, I guess I have to talk about a much more painful bullying than kids in school: Family Bullying- Yep, you read correctly: Family Bullying.

See, most people don't see it as bullying when it's in the family, but I do. Why? Because, bullying is bullying, no matter where it is. See, I was bullied all my life by my father and my big sister (on his side.) I don't hate them, as a matter of fact, I love them, but that doesn't mean they have done so. First, my father's kind of bullying. He played pranks on me. Say we're watching a scary movie (E.g. Saw, or the Exorcist or some freaky movie) and he tended to keep scaring the heck out of me. Sure, pranks are not considered bullying, but, technically, bullies don't consider what they do bullying, right? Well, he was always picking my sisters over me and always made what I said or did something bad, one way or another, for example:

Once, my little sister was sitting next to me and our dad turned off the T.V. because we were heading out somewhere, not sure where. Out of a sudden, my sister grabs the control and turns the T.V. back on, which got my dad mad. He turned the T.V. off again and, of course, my sister turned it back on. Instantly, he turned on me and practically shouted at me that I shouldn't be such a bad influence on my sister and that I should shut up and stop telling her to turn on the T.V. for me. Which, honestly, was stupid, considering I was laying on the sofa, playing on my then-alive PSP, with my back to the T.V. Once I said I wasn't, in fact, telling her anything, he fumed and practically insults me out the door and was bitter to me all day long because of that stupid thing I wasn't to blame. Of course, not many will consider this bullying, but it is what I consider bullying.

Now, to the next step! My Sister! Ah, she was the most annoying. Firstly, she NEVER paid attention to what I said, in fact, she literally ignored me whenever I said something and did as she pleased, such as eating the Nutella that was meant for me, or the Crunch, or the sandwich that I was going to eat because I was hungry. Now, she was, also, the one who, knowing I didn't like horror or suspense movies, picked them and made dad force me watch them, saying they were 'family bonding time.' She was a jerk, yes, and she always played her extra-loud Reggueton music whenever I asked to be left alone because my head was hurting. But, in the end, we had a fallout, and we didn't talk to each other (Me to my dad or sisters) for about three years, until a while ago, when I (Not them) messaged dad asking him for forgiveness. It hurt to be the one to apologize, but once I did it, I felt like I did the right thing.

My Regards and Support to those suffering from Bullying,

Ell J. Converse

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Seven Deadly Sins

The Seven Deadly Sins are, at their least, well-known or, at least, their names are. One could instantly assume that Greed is wanting a lot of money, that Envy is wanting to steal that one guy's car, and that Pride is only reserved to those who're rich and so on, the variable thoughts are never ending. So, I decided to give these most-known yet ignored sins a look. So, let's begin!

Lust: Now, now. Lust doesn't mean just craving for that sexy girl down at the Mall. Lust was, originally, a term of desire. ANY kind. You know those old wizards who only want to learn more and more? He's lusting. Lust can take any form, from the famed lust for sex all the way to the lust of reading that new book that came out. Basically, lust is a very strong and deep passion.

Gluttony: Ah, I hate that word. Not because I'm weak to that sin, which I'm not, but because of a reason that isn't really important. Okay, so! Gluttony. I've heard many people say that it's the eating-too-much sin (And that's a quote), But I think it means more than that. Not only eat too much, but I think it's the same as lust, but instead of wanting, of getting: Self indulgence, wasting resources when it isn't necessary and such. Adding a final note, Keeping food from hungry people is a kind of Gluttony, if you ask me.

Greed: The sin we all do at some point (If you haven't, I'm really looking forward to meeting you.) I find Greed very dissa-greed-able, considering it's the desire to posses weath, good or objects that have a Earthen wealth, but that's not all of it: It's not only wanting them, it's, once getting them, not wanting to share. We could also say that Greed is wanting something that we don't really need, such as wealth or the new game for X-Box 360.

Sloth: Okay, now THIS is what we're talking about! (Obviously) Sloth, for those who didn't know, isn't just physical laziness, but a spiritual laziness as well as failing or deciding not to do something you had to do, or not doing something you could have done to help. Basically, sloth is the lack of action when it comes to very important stuff.

Wrath: So, yes, Wrath. Quite a big, angry word, don't ya think? Well, Wrath in itself is a big feeling of anger and hatred towards others. Impatience, revenge and agressive thoughts are caused by Wrath. Some say that, somehow, suicide is the act of a Wrathfull person who's anger is directed at themselves, though I won't elaborate the point (Or any other, probably.)

Envy: Yes, you read right: E-N-V-Y! Similar to Greed and Lust, it's basically discontent towards someones' traits, status, abilities or rewards, but, in fact, secretly wants what is outwardly disliked. I guess, in a way, this is lusting that which others have, but you lack.

Pride: So! Pride. This brought to mind Pride and Prejudice, for some reason. ANYWAY! A prideful person is one who thinks (Or wants) to be more important or attractive than others, who fail to acknowledge the good work of others and has excessive love for themselves (To the point of egocentrism.)

So, here you have it. The Seven Deadly Sins are, without a doubt, linked to one another. One leads to the other and, if left unchecked long enough, we could end up with all seven on us, which would be a pain in the butt to everyone around. Honestly? I've suffered them all, but I've also worked them off every time they arrive.

My Regards,

Ell J. Converse

Friday, September 14, 2012

I Present to Ye: Phoenix!

It has become official: I am working full-time on writing a book which, of course, I will publish after the required procedure: Editing, editing and editing, among other stuff. It's a good story, Four out of four have deemed it great so far, and, though the people who like it are my friends, they are book loves, so they don't hold their criticism back. I've been thinking about it and, as much as I enjoy other stuff, writing has always been my passion, and so I'll gamble it all on it.

Now, moving to the story. It's hard to explain, specially since it's my own story, so I'll just add this extract from Chapter 1.

“They're pretty thick, aren't they?” Phoenix asked Alice, who giggled. “Sir, I'm not a phoenix guy, let alone a phoenix dude. I am THE Phoenix. I know what I'm doing so, please, shut up and let me and your lovely daughter do the thinking and talking around here.” Phoenix said, his voice was calm, but gave a feeling that they were talking to some kind of lord. Someone they had to obey. “And that goes for you too, ma'am.” He added, pointing at Alice's mum. “Now, the thing down there is called an Avortel.” He said, pointing at the door over his shoulder with his thumb. “It's a deadly creature from Elven Mythology that is said to slowly eat a person's soul and then, when it has fed on all your spiritual energy, awakens and eats your body. Of course, that's what the myths say, not really necessarily true, since it's a myth. But, legend also says that if there's other living life forms not of the same kind as the soul absorbed, he'll eat everything until nothing remains for around... Say... A continent.” Phoenix smiled. “I thought they were non-existent, considering where they come from, but still, here's one living. Brilliant.”Phoenix said, clapping one. “Now, Alice, to do what I'm about to do, I'll need your help. Do you trust me?”

That's as much as you'll see for now. Hope you enjoyed a bit of an extract. It's the one and only story I love enough to say I'll publish it. I've been working extra-hard on it, so it'll be my finest piece. And, to be honest, I owe it to some very important people. So prepare, for Phoenix is coming sometime this century. ;)

Sunday, August 5, 2012


So, I haven't written anything lately, but a lot has happened, so let's start by saying that The Dragons is coming along just fine behind the scenes, but I'm preparing the characters, as in their style, weapons and techniques, to make it easier to flow the story into the blog.

Second: The Amazing Spiderman was, in fact, amazing. I don't care how many of you may think otherwise, but I realized, while watching this one, that the original ones were nothing like it. It was funny, awkward and definitely showed off the darker side of being a hero, meaning that he's not capable of saving everyone. I read a bit of the comics (Not sure if they were the Amazing ones, but still) and I noticed this Spiderman is more accurate in it's presentation than the one from the previous movies. But I'm not a big know-it-all about Spiderman, so I can't really say. But, if my mom, a lizard-hater, is capable of surviving the Lizardman and say the movie was awesome, it should really tell you something about it.

Third: There seems to be a strange feeling flowing around lately that is hard to explain, so I won't. I'll just say a letter is stronger than a thousand words sometimes, at least for me. So yes, there ya go, that's the third one. Moving on...

Four: I'm taking A.S.L. classes, and I'm about to start my guitar ones again, so I'll be more talented than ever before (Hopefully.) I'm also practicing my acting (Which isn't all that good) and my piano (Which sucks real bad) so I'm very active lately. So yes, now we all know why I haven't updated anything, anywhere lately.

My Regards,

Ell J. Converse