Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Seven Deadly Sins

The Seven Deadly Sins are, at their least, well-known or, at least, their names are. One could instantly assume that Greed is wanting a lot of money, that Envy is wanting to steal that one guy's car, and that Pride is only reserved to those who're rich and so on, the variable thoughts are never ending. So, I decided to give these most-known yet ignored sins a look. So, let's begin!

Lust: Now, now. Lust doesn't mean just craving for that sexy girl down at the Mall. Lust was, originally, a term of desire. ANY kind. You know those old wizards who only want to learn more and more? He's lusting. Lust can take any form, from the famed lust for sex all the way to the lust of reading that new book that came out. Basically, lust is a very strong and deep passion.

Gluttony: Ah, I hate that word. Not because I'm weak to that sin, which I'm not, but because of a reason that isn't really important. Okay, so! Gluttony. I've heard many people say that it's the eating-too-much sin (And that's a quote), But I think it means more than that. Not only eat too much, but I think it's the same as lust, but instead of wanting, of getting: Self indulgence, wasting resources when it isn't necessary and such. Adding a final note, Keeping food from hungry people is a kind of Gluttony, if you ask me.

Greed: The sin we all do at some point (If you haven't, I'm really looking forward to meeting you.) I find Greed very dissa-greed-able, considering it's the desire to posses weath, good or objects that have a Earthen wealth, but that's not all of it: It's not only wanting them, it's, once getting them, not wanting to share. We could also say that Greed is wanting something that we don't really need, such as wealth or the new game for X-Box 360.

Sloth: Okay, now THIS is what we're talking about! (Obviously) Sloth, for those who didn't know, isn't just physical laziness, but a spiritual laziness as well as failing or deciding not to do something you had to do, or not doing something you could have done to help. Basically, sloth is the lack of action when it comes to very important stuff.

Wrath: So, yes, Wrath. Quite a big, angry word, don't ya think? Well, Wrath in itself is a big feeling of anger and hatred towards others. Impatience, revenge and agressive thoughts are caused by Wrath. Some say that, somehow, suicide is the act of a Wrathfull person who's anger is directed at themselves, though I won't elaborate the point (Or any other, probably.)

Envy: Yes, you read right: E-N-V-Y! Similar to Greed and Lust, it's basically discontent towards someones' traits, status, abilities or rewards, but, in fact, secretly wants what is outwardly disliked. I guess, in a way, this is lusting that which others have, but you lack.

Pride: So! Pride. This brought to mind Pride and Prejudice, for some reason. ANYWAY! A prideful person is one who thinks (Or wants) to be more important or attractive than others, who fail to acknowledge the good work of others and has excessive love for themselves (To the point of egocentrism.)

So, here you have it. The Seven Deadly Sins are, without a doubt, linked to one another. One leads to the other and, if left unchecked long enough, we could end up with all seven on us, which would be a pain in the butt to everyone around. Honestly? I've suffered them all, but I've also worked them off every time they arrive.

My Regards,

Ell J. Converse

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