Took me a long time to figure out what I'll write about next, and finally made up my mind. I'll write about writing itself. You see, writing may seem easy, but it sure as heck isn't. The correct words, grammar and concept are required when writing, let alone when someone else is going to read it. The first thing about writing is finding out what to write about. It's not just about picking a random subject and writing a lot of crazy nonsense, it has to be something that, once it enters your mind, it clicks and the words come out fluently and easily.
After you get the subject, then comes the drafting. You can't just plaster a bunch of fancy words to a page and call it writing, you got to make it coherent and build it well. Most important thing about drafting is that once you finish, you get to edit and make it better. Having someone around that knows about writing is a great option for the editing process, but if it isn't possible, better keep a sharp eye for any errors.
Another thing is the following: It Doesn't Have To Be Perfect. Most people get frustrated and give up once they are told there's some mistake. If I had let that stop me, I would have died in the corner, rocking back and forth for all the mistakes I've done, written and acted. Sure, one must give it our all, but don't let your creative writing stop because someone doesn't like it. My mum always says: 'If you like it, a thousand other people will too.' And that is also true to writing.
Lastly, but not least, is inspiration. Yeah, they're not in order. Anyway, inspiration is required if you want to succeed because, unlike most people believe, if someone is inspired, one can achieve many great things. I was, about ten years ago, inspired into writing by J.K. Rowling, who was writing the Harry Potter books back then. I still write stories and, honestly, my stories back when I was seven sucked, but hey, I keep them with me because they remind me of what I wanted. Remember: 'Inspiration is, alongside determination, the key to everything.'
My Regards,
Ell J. Converse
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