First, there's love. Yeah, cheesy and yes, quite stupid sounding, but love, like they say in many books and stories, love is a powerful thing. It can change someone's attitude towards things. It can change what someone extremely evil will do and, even better, it will change what people think of you. If you show you love those around you, you'll see people's perspective of things will change and, possibly, you might actually do someone some good. For example:
I was going to the shopping mall with my sister to watch a movie once. I opened the door, like I always do, and she walked in. Right behind us was this old woman, in her, say, sixties, and she stopped to stare at me. She seemed down and sad, and the instant I pointed to the door in a 'please, come on in' she smiled a charming smile and said I was a gentleman. Yeah, I won't agree nor disagree with her opinion of me. But that's what I mean love. Love isn't all about kissing or showing affection, it is, in fact, about doing good deeds. Now, on to the next point.
The second is friendship. Aye, friendship, that long word is the start of something just as long, but honestly, not all friendships are good. There's something we ALL need to learn. That's the fact that true friends last for a lifetime and are only plainly visible when you're in dire need of help or comfort. Friends are, or rather, should be, those who help you out and give you advice IN A GOOD WAY! That's the most important thing about friendship: Friends are a big influence on us, so if we have friends that are like us, willing to do good, then you'll most probably be influenced in a good way. For example:
I have a very dear friend of mine that shall remain nameless. He is my best friend, and I trust him with my life. Why? Because he's been my friends for over four years. We usually hang out and, even though we do have a few differences, we've influenced each other in a good way. Like, say, he doesn't get so aggressive and mad when he loses in Call of Duty, or the fact that I actually hang out with someone. That's what a friend is, we point each other's mistakes so we can become better as people. Now, the next point is very important.
Third, honesty. Yes, honestly, it's honesty. You see, truth is, and forever will be, the best medicine. When someone is left in the dark about something that would hurt if they knew, they'll be twice as hurt if they find out about it. Honesty is a very, very, VERY important thing in life. No one can put into words how important honesty is, in fact, it's honestly one of the most important things in life. For example:
Once, a friend of mine was in a very close-knit relationship with his girlfriend. Sure, they had loads of fun, and hey, I was happy for them, until I saw her cheating on him. Aye, you read well, cheating, and not on a test or a dare, but with a full-grown teen, a bit older than my friend. I was then faced with a BIG dilemma: should I tell my friend, and bring him pain, or simply act like I didn't know? Well, I was honest with him, I told him what happened and, in the end, he thought I was lying. Once he found out it was true, though, he became a very close friend and all because I was honest. If I hadn't been, he'd probably be with her and still getting cheated on. Now, last point is...
Last, but not least, trust. That's right, trust. if you don't trust or aren't trusted, then they'll never believe you, nor will they ever take you seriously or, even worst, take you too seriously. Trust is won and lost as quickly as you flip a coin, in fact, it moves around so fast, one letter where there should be none can make you lose it. Trust is also the start of everything and, the lack of it, is the end of everything. For example:
Mum's always ask us to do things, right? Well, if you don't do it, they'll get mad and not trust you as much because you neglected to do what she told you to do. Likewise, if you do what she tells you to do, she'll trust you more. If her trust raises or lowers, she'll give you more work, but the good thing about keeping her trust high is this: She'll trust you when you have to go out with friends or on a date and will let you go. ;)
To conclude, these four things will make it possible to please those around you and still be able to enjoy your life and be yourself. Love those around you, be influenced by the right Friends. Be honest to everyone and, specially, to yourself and make those around you trust you. If you keep this in mind as you move forward in life, you'll definitely feel the difference. Hope you enjoyed reading all that.
My regards,
Ell J. Converse
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