So, you all probably don't know this, but I'm a dog person. I love dogs. Partly because they're loyal to their master and partly because that's the only pet I've ever had that lasts longer than a year (I've had fishes, and they have all died quick.) But, well, today, somehow, my mum came across three baby cats while working, and she brought them home. So, here's the awesome thing about them: they have the exact same looks as the cat that played Professor McGonagall on the Harry Potter movies.
Here's something even weirder. I called my current dog, a fully-black female, Narciza (Misspelled on purpose) and my new cat is called Minerva (Professor McGonagall's first name.) Anyway, I told you about this because, well, I thought I should let you know me more! As you probably noticed, I love the Harry Potter series, alongside the series Hunger Games, Percy Jackson and Gallagher Girls, which isn't as well known as the rest, but is just as good. Of course, I'll start talking about what I wanted to talk about now.
My friend, Eli, and Kunai are both having a bit of a harsh time lately. Eli is, well, depressed while Kunai is in extreme stress because of an exposition she has to make, which will be presented tomorrow and I'll attend (I'll let you know all about it.) I'm probably a bit down meself, but hey, I'm the one who cheers them up! So, Eli and Kunai. You're both awesome. You'll do great, Kunai, and Eli, you SHOULD make your blog, since I know you'll be brilliant. Keep up the good work, you too.
My Regards,
Ell J. Converse
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
I just finished a book. It was called Incarceron and was written by Catherine Fisher. It is a very good book, quite well narrated and, to be honest, gives a reader a good time, but that's not what I'm going to be writing about. I'll be talking about how the book falls short of the glory it could have achieved.
At first, the book starts well, pacing is quite important and, honestly, it seems to be quite well-paced. But, if you read as intently as you should, there's a huge spoiler that, once found, destroys the hope for future discovery. If you read it, and I urge you to, keep in mind to read every little detail, even if the narration might sometimes be a bit boring. Another thing is the unsteadiness of the characters. A character at points will act different, even though it was established that he was opposed to that kind of acting or, as is the case in this, they are different in personality from their actions. Of course, men can be driven to do things that go against their nature if they're forced.
Now, I'm not saying the book sucks or isn't worth your time, it's really good, well paced and, of course, it's great for reading, but it falls short of what it could have been. If it wasn't for the few things pointed out above, and a couple others such as description of places and emptiness of feeling, it would've been a great story, worthy of naming alongside those as Harry Potter, Hunger Games and Percy Jackson, each of which has actually made me, even if just for a moment, laugh, cry and get mad at their characters.
I know I'm a harsh critic, but if you read the book, which I, again, urge you to, you'll see what I mean. I loved the book, and I'll read it's sequel, Sapphique, but, unfortunately, I already know, or guessed, what's going to happen on the sequel. I hope it's just as good. Anyway, now I'll start reading a book called A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens. Once I finish it, I'll let you all know what I think.
My Regards,
Ell J. Converse
At first, the book starts well, pacing is quite important and, honestly, it seems to be quite well-paced. But, if you read as intently as you should, there's a huge spoiler that, once found, destroys the hope for future discovery. If you read it, and I urge you to, keep in mind to read every little detail, even if the narration might sometimes be a bit boring. Another thing is the unsteadiness of the characters. A character at points will act different, even though it was established that he was opposed to that kind of acting or, as is the case in this, they are different in personality from their actions. Of course, men can be driven to do things that go against their nature if they're forced.
Now, I'm not saying the book sucks or isn't worth your time, it's really good, well paced and, of course, it's great for reading, but it falls short of what it could have been. If it wasn't for the few things pointed out above, and a couple others such as description of places and emptiness of feeling, it would've been a great story, worthy of naming alongside those as Harry Potter, Hunger Games and Percy Jackson, each of which has actually made me, even if just for a moment, laugh, cry and get mad at their characters.
I know I'm a harsh critic, but if you read the book, which I, again, urge you to, you'll see what I mean. I loved the book, and I'll read it's sequel, Sapphique, but, unfortunately, I already know, or guessed, what's going to happen on the sequel. I hope it's just as good. Anyway, now I'll start reading a book called A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens. Once I finish it, I'll let you all know what I think.
My Regards,
Ell J. Converse
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Eli's Video
My Regards,
Ell converse & Eli
Thursday, April 12, 2012
A Good Act
A few years back, I was in a car with my family and a family that's really close to ours, and we stopped at a light (Because it was red.) Out of the blue (Or possibly the sidewalk) this man approaches. He was dressed in rags, it was the middle of summer, and yet he wore a jacket, probably because for him, it was cold. He extended his hand towards us in a begging matter and, without remorse, the driver closed the window, pointing out that those people got there because they made the wrong choices. That made an impact on me, but not the way you would expect.
A few days ago, on Monday, to be exact, my mum read us, my sister and I, a story in our weekly family home evening. It talked about hunger, and here's my own written version of it:
'A man walked around the car and opened the door to his loved wife. They wore what seemed and where expensive clothing and carried, as well, expensive jewelry. They had just arrived at the restaurant, and were about to enter when they spotted a man. Well dressed, but in old clothes, he was sitting on a chair at the corner, staring off into the distance. He seemed hungry, but his story was much more than that: He had just been fired from work. The husband, spotting the man, took his wife's hand and, pulling her towards the restaurant, wanted to leave the man behind as soon as possible, but his wife wasn't so cold at heart. Stepping forward, she gave the man some money and, with his gratitude, she finally followed her husband.
The man, with a bit of money in hand, decided to go eat, since he was starving. He entered a small cafeteria down the street and was about to buy a huge meal when he stopped, thinking that he should save a bit for subsequent days. So, he got himself a pretty good meal, good enough to safe some money, but also good enough to ease his hunger. After eating, he walked out, happy, and that's when he spotted a man. Old, trembling and obviously hungry, this old man walked past the unemployed one without a glimpse, and only spotted him when he turned. The unemployed man had touched ever so softly the old man's arm, and talking to him, took him into the cafeteria and bought the old man a meal.
Once the old man finished, the unemployed one noticed that good old man had saved a piece of bread. Inquiring on why he didn't eat it, the old man answered that he knew a homeless boy, and he was taking the food to him. The unemployed man decided to accompany the old man and, together, went to the park nearby, where the kid was at. The old man called for the kid and, sitting on a bench, watched as the kid ate the bread with vigor. To the adults' surprise, he saved half of it. They asked why, of course, and he answered: For the dog I found!
The three of them walked along, and arrived at the place the boy had put the missing dog into. They fed the dog and, as the unemployed man kneed down to pet the dog, he noticed the necklace. It read a number and a direction, and so, taking the dog off the boy's hands, the unemployed man set off to deliver the dog to the proper owners. Arriving there, he knocked on the door and, a few seconds later, a man opened. this man spotted the dog quickly and, surprised to see the unemployed man, asked the following:
"You brought him because of the reward, didn't you?" The dog's owner asked, thinking the unemployed man had stolen away the dog so that he could get money out of it.
"No, sir. I simply wanted to deliver the dog to his proper home." The unemployed man said, turning, and began to walk away.
"Wait!" The dog's owner said. "Do you need a job?" He asked, surprised and stunned at the unemployed man's honor.'
I think the story explains itself, so I'll leave you all with just one line: A good act will surely lead to another.
My regards,
Ell J. Converse
A few days ago, on Monday, to be exact, my mum read us, my sister and I, a story in our weekly family home evening. It talked about hunger, and here's my own written version of it:
'A man walked around the car and opened the door to his loved wife. They wore what seemed and where expensive clothing and carried, as well, expensive jewelry. They had just arrived at the restaurant, and were about to enter when they spotted a man. Well dressed, but in old clothes, he was sitting on a chair at the corner, staring off into the distance. He seemed hungry, but his story was much more than that: He had just been fired from work. The husband, spotting the man, took his wife's hand and, pulling her towards the restaurant, wanted to leave the man behind as soon as possible, but his wife wasn't so cold at heart. Stepping forward, she gave the man some money and, with his gratitude, she finally followed her husband.
The man, with a bit of money in hand, decided to go eat, since he was starving. He entered a small cafeteria down the street and was about to buy a huge meal when he stopped, thinking that he should save a bit for subsequent days. So, he got himself a pretty good meal, good enough to safe some money, but also good enough to ease his hunger. After eating, he walked out, happy, and that's when he spotted a man. Old, trembling and obviously hungry, this old man walked past the unemployed one without a glimpse, and only spotted him when he turned. The unemployed man had touched ever so softly the old man's arm, and talking to him, took him into the cafeteria and bought the old man a meal.
Once the old man finished, the unemployed one noticed that good old man had saved a piece of bread. Inquiring on why he didn't eat it, the old man answered that he knew a homeless boy, and he was taking the food to him. The unemployed man decided to accompany the old man and, together, went to the park nearby, where the kid was at. The old man called for the kid and, sitting on a bench, watched as the kid ate the bread with vigor. To the adults' surprise, he saved half of it. They asked why, of course, and he answered: For the dog I found!
The three of them walked along, and arrived at the place the boy had put the missing dog into. They fed the dog and, as the unemployed man kneed down to pet the dog, he noticed the necklace. It read a number and a direction, and so, taking the dog off the boy's hands, the unemployed man set off to deliver the dog to the proper owners. Arriving there, he knocked on the door and, a few seconds later, a man opened. this man spotted the dog quickly and, surprised to see the unemployed man, asked the following:
"You brought him because of the reward, didn't you?" The dog's owner asked, thinking the unemployed man had stolen away the dog so that he could get money out of it.
"No, sir. I simply wanted to deliver the dog to his proper home." The unemployed man said, turning, and began to walk away.
"Wait!" The dog's owner said. "Do you need a job?" He asked, surprised and stunned at the unemployed man's honor.'
I think the story explains itself, so I'll leave you all with just one line: A good act will surely lead to another.
My regards,
Ell J. Converse
Monday, April 9, 2012
Took me a long time to figure out what I'll write about next, and finally made up my mind. I'll write about writing itself. You see, writing may seem easy, but it sure as heck isn't. The correct words, grammar and concept are required when writing, let alone when someone else is going to read it. The first thing about writing is finding out what to write about. It's not just about picking a random subject and writing a lot of crazy nonsense, it has to be something that, once it enters your mind, it clicks and the words come out fluently and easily.
After you get the subject, then comes the drafting. You can't just plaster a bunch of fancy words to a page and call it writing, you got to make it coherent and build it well. Most important thing about drafting is that once you finish, you get to edit and make it better. Having someone around that knows about writing is a great option for the editing process, but if it isn't possible, better keep a sharp eye for any errors.
Another thing is the following: It Doesn't Have To Be Perfect. Most people get frustrated and give up once they are told there's some mistake. If I had let that stop me, I would have died in the corner, rocking back and forth for all the mistakes I've done, written and acted. Sure, one must give it our all, but don't let your creative writing stop because someone doesn't like it. My mum always says: 'If you like it, a thousand other people will too.' And that is also true to writing.
Lastly, but not least, is inspiration. Yeah, they're not in order. Anyway, inspiration is required if you want to succeed because, unlike most people believe, if someone is inspired, one can achieve many great things. I was, about ten years ago, inspired into writing by J.K. Rowling, who was writing the Harry Potter books back then. I still write stories and, honestly, my stories back when I was seven sucked, but hey, I keep them with me because they remind me of what I wanted. Remember: 'Inspiration is, alongside determination, the key to everything.'
My Regards,
Ell J. Converse
P.S. The Blog's got a page on Facebook. If you liked this post, or any of the others, like it, and you'll know when the next posts are posted. (plus, that way I get more people to check my blog out!)
After you get the subject, then comes the drafting. You can't just plaster a bunch of fancy words to a page and call it writing, you got to make it coherent and build it well. Most important thing about drafting is that once you finish, you get to edit and make it better. Having someone around that knows about writing is a great option for the editing process, but if it isn't possible, better keep a sharp eye for any errors.
Another thing is the following: It Doesn't Have To Be Perfect. Most people get frustrated and give up once they are told there's some mistake. If I had let that stop me, I would have died in the corner, rocking back and forth for all the mistakes I've done, written and acted. Sure, one must give it our all, but don't let your creative writing stop because someone doesn't like it. My mum always says: 'If you like it, a thousand other people will too.' And that is also true to writing.
Lastly, but not least, is inspiration. Yeah, they're not in order. Anyway, inspiration is required if you want to succeed because, unlike most people believe, if someone is inspired, one can achieve many great things. I was, about ten years ago, inspired into writing by J.K. Rowling, who was writing the Harry Potter books back then. I still write stories and, honestly, my stories back when I was seven sucked, but hey, I keep them with me because they remind me of what I wanted. Remember: 'Inspiration is, alongside determination, the key to everything.'
My Regards,
Ell J. Converse
P.S. The Blog's got a page on Facebook. If you liked this post, or any of the others, like it, and you'll know when the next posts are posted. (plus, that way I get more people to check my blog out!)
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Video Game is Art
Ah, video games. Such simple spelling and yet, so many things come to mind when one utters those words. Some people think video games are awesome, others think they're okay, while some think they're completely useless and a huge waste of time. To those who think video games are worthless, I ask the following question: Is it really so different from a book or a movie? Let's compare and see:
A movie is a fusion of sound, actors, video tapes and graphics. A video game is created of the same basics, with the addition of being interactive. Now, a movie requires time, it is mostly written, then given shape by the actors, added life by the sounds and music, and finally given that final touch with improved graphics, just like a video game.
Comparing a book to a video game is a bit harder, but they still require the same basics. A book requires a good story and believable characters to be great. A stale story and lame characters will obviously make a reader turn away. The most well-known video games, such as Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, Assassin's Creed and Halo all have a good story and well-built characters, some others.
Video game making is an art, and everyone that works on them are artists. A painting is a piece of art, so is music and a video, if made well, is also art, so why can't a mix of them all be called art? Don't get me wrong, I love reading and watching movies, in fact, I've played video games while reading and I've read while watching a movie. In fact, I've done all three at the same time! But, for those who think video games are just a glue to the couch, let me tell you this: Last I checked, a book and a movie are best enjoyed, while sitting down.
My Regards,
Ell J. Converse
Friday, April 6, 2012
Music's Work
Music. Who can live without it. Even the oldest man needs it. He may listen to the likes of Beethoven or Mozart, but it's still music. A new born child will fall asleep faster under the spell of his mother's soft lullaby. A song, a rhythm or even a bunch or random sounds can create a great atmosphere or, the lack thereof, can create a horrible atmosphere. Music is everywhere and, if you listen carefully, the sounds around you make a rhythm that'll make the moment special.
Movies use a method of music-using to heighten the mood they want to transmit. In action movies, they use high-end rock music to make the action sequences even more aggressive and cool. Others add soft piano notes to make the moment more emotional, which is mostly the reason the parts ARE emotional. Some other movies have a lack of music, and yet bring a feeling of impending danger and increasing fear. Why? Because no music or sounds except footsteps give the impression of being alone, and why's that? Because music and noise tells us we're not alone, which is also why sometimes, the following happens:
"She walked slowly down the mansion's path, no sound, no anything besides her lose footsteps ringing in the dark. Up in the sky the full moon hid behind a curtain of black clouds, drowning the world in darkness. She held her flashlight forward, her only ally in this mysterious and most silent of places. She walked into the Living room and, instantly, her heart began to raise as the radio she had just shown her back to began to play an unintelligible song..." (Extract from one of my stories.)
The above paragraph shows what many creators of fear do to set the scene for the enemy to appear. but not everything is about music is fear. Music can also be used to show someone what you don't have the words to describe. For example:
"He talked to the DJ, they agreed, and the plan would be carried out. The song began to play, Everything by Lifehouse, as he walked through the crowd and the DJ stated it was from him to her. He reached her and extended his hand towards her. She took it, blushing, and allowed him to lead her into the crowd, right under the spotlight. All around, murmur filled the air as he whispered softly the song in her ear and they swayed to it slowly."
To end this shortly, music can do anything you want, but only if you know how to use it. There's no moment where music isn't needed. In a funeral, in a birthday, in a play or in a movie, music plays it's part. Be it to be happy or sad, we'll always have music with us, it's our friend and it'll always say the right words at the moment we need them.
My Regards,
Ell J. Converse
Movies use a method of music-using to heighten the mood they want to transmit. In action movies, they use high-end rock music to make the action sequences even more aggressive and cool. Others add soft piano notes to make the moment more emotional, which is mostly the reason the parts ARE emotional. Some other movies have a lack of music, and yet bring a feeling of impending danger and increasing fear. Why? Because no music or sounds except footsteps give the impression of being alone, and why's that? Because music and noise tells us we're not alone, which is also why sometimes, the following happens:
"She walked slowly down the mansion's path, no sound, no anything besides her lose footsteps ringing in the dark. Up in the sky the full moon hid behind a curtain of black clouds, drowning the world in darkness. She held her flashlight forward, her only ally in this mysterious and most silent of places. She walked into the Living room and, instantly, her heart began to raise as the radio she had just shown her back to began to play an unintelligible song..." (Extract from one of my stories.)
The above paragraph shows what many creators of fear do to set the scene for the enemy to appear. but not everything is about music is fear. Music can also be used to show someone what you don't have the words to describe. For example:
"He talked to the DJ, they agreed, and the plan would be carried out. The song began to play, Everything by Lifehouse, as he walked through the crowd and the DJ stated it was from him to her. He reached her and extended his hand towards her. She took it, blushing, and allowed him to lead her into the crowd, right under the spotlight. All around, murmur filled the air as he whispered softly the song in her ear and they swayed to it slowly."
To end this shortly, music can do anything you want, but only if you know how to use it. There's no moment where music isn't needed. In a funeral, in a birthday, in a play or in a movie, music plays it's part. Be it to be happy or sad, we'll always have music with us, it's our friend and it'll always say the right words at the moment we need them.
My Regards,
Ell J. Converse
Thursday, April 5, 2012
The 4 Points to Improve Life
I know every teenager feel that as much as they want, they'll never be able to fulfill everyone's expectations. Well, that's always how it happens and it'll always stay the same. Parents, teachers and even complete strangers will ask things of you, and it'll continue to be so until the very end (or until they create robots that do everything.) There's some points that, if one follows them, one can actually please the ones around and still be pleasing oneself, even if it sounds quite far-fetched.
Once, a friend of mine was in a very close-knit relationship with his girlfriend. Sure, they had loads of fun, and hey, I was happy for them, until I saw her cheating on him. Aye, you read well, cheating, and not on a test or a dare, but with a full-grown teen, a bit older than my friend. I was then faced with a BIG dilemma: should I tell my friend, and bring him pain, or simply act like I didn't know? Well, I was honest with him, I told him what happened and, in the end, he thought I was lying. Once he found out it was true, though, he became a very close friend and all because I was honest. If I hadn't been, he'd probably be with her and still getting cheated on. Now, last point is...
First, there's love. Yeah, cheesy and yes, quite stupid sounding, but love, like they say in many books and stories, love is a powerful thing. It can change someone's attitude towards things. It can change what someone extremely evil will do and, even better, it will change what people think of you. If you show you love those around you, you'll see people's perspective of things will change and, possibly, you might actually do someone some good. For example:
I was going to the shopping mall with my sister to watch a movie once. I opened the door, like I always do, and she walked in. Right behind us was this old woman, in her, say, sixties, and she stopped to stare at me. She seemed down and sad, and the instant I pointed to the door in a 'please, come on in' she smiled a charming smile and said I was a gentleman. Yeah, I won't agree nor disagree with her opinion of me. But that's what I mean love. Love isn't all about kissing or showing affection, it is, in fact, about doing good deeds. Now, on to the next point.
The second is friendship. Aye, friendship, that long word is the start of something just as long, but honestly, not all friendships are good. There's something we ALL need to learn. That's the fact that true friends last for a lifetime and are only plainly visible when you're in dire need of help or comfort. Friends are, or rather, should be, those who help you out and give you advice IN A GOOD WAY! That's the most important thing about friendship: Friends are a big influence on us, so if we have friends that are like us, willing to do good, then you'll most probably be influenced in a good way. For example:
I have a very dear friend of mine that shall remain nameless. He is my best friend, and I trust him with my life. Why? Because he's been my friends for over four years. We usually hang out and, even though we do have a few differences, we've influenced each other in a good way. Like, say, he doesn't get so aggressive and mad when he loses in Call of Duty, or the fact that I actually hang out with someone. That's what a friend is, we point each other's mistakes so we can become better as people. Now, the next point is very important.
Third, honesty. Yes, honestly, it's honesty. You see, truth is, and forever will be, the best medicine. When someone is left in the dark about something that would hurt if they knew, they'll be twice as hurt if they find out about it. Honesty is a very, very, VERY important thing in life. No one can put into words how important honesty is, in fact, it's honestly one of the most important things in life. For example:
Once, a friend of mine was in a very close-knit relationship with his girlfriend. Sure, they had loads of fun, and hey, I was happy for them, until I saw her cheating on him. Aye, you read well, cheating, and not on a test or a dare, but with a full-grown teen, a bit older than my friend. I was then faced with a BIG dilemma: should I tell my friend, and bring him pain, or simply act like I didn't know? Well, I was honest with him, I told him what happened and, in the end, he thought I was lying. Once he found out it was true, though, he became a very close friend and all because I was honest. If I hadn't been, he'd probably be with her and still getting cheated on. Now, last point is...
Last, but not least, trust. That's right, trust. if you don't trust or aren't trusted, then they'll never believe you, nor will they ever take you seriously or, even worst, take you too seriously. Trust is won and lost as quickly as you flip a coin, in fact, it moves around so fast, one letter where there should be none can make you lose it. Trust is also the start of everything and, the lack of it, is the end of everything. For example:
Mum's always ask us to do things, right? Well, if you don't do it, they'll get mad and not trust you as much because you neglected to do what she told you to do. Likewise, if you do what she tells you to do, she'll trust you more. If her trust raises or lowers, she'll give you more work, but the good thing about keeping her trust high is this: She'll trust you when you have to go out with friends or on a date and will let you go. ;)
To conclude, these four things will make it possible to please those around you and still be able to enjoy your life and be yourself. Love those around you, be influenced by the right Friends. Be honest to everyone and, specially, to yourself and make those around you trust you. If you keep this in mind as you move forward in life, you'll definitely feel the difference. Hope you enjoyed reading all that.
My regards,
Ell J. Converse
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