Lately I've been stuck, not really knowing what to write about. Keeping a blog is hard work, specially when you've got three cats and a dog to take care of, one of the cats, Death, is very sick and there's nothing I can't do to help but hope he gets better soon. Among other things, I decided what to write about: Injustice. In an instant, the greatest man can become the biggest Tyrant with only one bad judgement, a hero can become a villain with relative ease, and it's all because they judge those around him.
Every one always thinks those around them are unjust, but, I'm always wondering why's that. Well, I know the answer every time I ask it: They aren't being treated how they think they should be. Most times someone calls something unjust, it's not because it really is, it's because it's not what they want it to be, or, like an old Puertorican saying goes: 'The thief will judge depending on his condition.' The saying, for those who don't get what it means, says that if there's a criminal, he'll always think he's being just, because he 'needs' it or because he's the one doing it, but let's put that to the test.
If I stole something from someone, and they found out, they'll get their revenge instantly, mostly by making me suffer much more than I should deserve for it. But, if the roles were reversed, they'd want mercy or, if they're guys, who do this more often than girls, they'll make sure I don't make them suffer by making ME suffer. That is, unfortunately, human nature.
I know it's hard, since it's also hard for me to do so, but if we would be a bit nicer to those around us, no matter what is happening, it'll really change the way justice is dealt, since it'll be dealt more accurately. Trust me on this: Justice isn't something that should be dealt on a whim. It's only for those who have the power, AND wisdom, to carry it out correctly. Be nice, stay safe and don't be unfair, and then you'll be sure to be treated with the proper justice you deserve.
My Regards,
Ell J. Converse
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